Big picture thoughts on software and other topics

September 28, 2007

Alt.Net vs. Microsoft

by Brian Donahue

Wrong.  Raymond Lewallen nails it hereBroken Link:, and there is some good debate in the comments. 

I think Joe OcampoBroken Link: makes a great point in the comments about Java and Ruby being largely owned by the community, whereas .Net is of course owned and controlled by Microsoft.  This can and does result in many developers waiting for MS to tell them which way to go next.  Alt.Net is about establishing a stronger, more diverse, and more vocal community around .Net and discussing what is most important to developers in the real world.  We can work with Microsoft to help them make better tools for developers.  It is also about not being afraid to find or build our own tools where we think the Microsoft platform is lacking (and no one expects MS to be able to please everyone all the time!).