Big picture thoughts on software and other topics

October 3, 2008

Upcoming Philly Events

by Brian Donahue

There is a lot of great stuff happening in Philly these days, and the next couple months seem especially busy.  I wanted to post about some of the great (free!) events that are coming up:

  1. Saturday, October 11th: Philly.NET Code CampBroken Link:, Ft. Washington, PA - 50 sessions in 10 different tracks, with great speakers, all for FREE!  They do this three times a year, and it’s worth going to every time if you are looking to improve your knowledge and skills.  The Philly ALT.NETBroken Link: user group gets it’s own track with 5 sessions, and we have a couple other speakers that came up through our ranks speaking at the event, which I couldn’t be more thrilled about!
  2. Wednesday, October 15th: Philly ALT.NET Pub NightBroken Link:, Jenkintown, PA - The Philly ALT.NET group will be getting together to discuss ways to better organize and improve our group.  One of the interesting topics on the table is the idea of creating an open source web application for common user group management activities such as event announcements, registration, group communication, etc.
  3. Saturday, October 18th: ASP.NET MVC FirestarterBroken Link:, Malvern, PA - Dani Diaz, and other local Microsoft reps are putting together a great event for those of you who are looking to learn more about the new ASP.NET MVC framework.  I participated in a similar event in New York, and it was very well received, and people really get a great overview of what this framework can do, and how it can change the way you develop ASP.NET applications.
  4. Tuesday, October 28th: Philly.NET Hands-On WorkshopBroken Link:, Ft. Washington, PA - Bill Wolff and Rob Kaiser will be taking a look at Dynamic Data and LINQ
  5. Saturday, November 8th: BarCamp Philly, Philadelphia, PA - Fellow Philly ALT.NET member, JP TotoBroken Link:, is one of the lead organizers for this event, which is an ideaBroken Link: that has been executed with great success all over the country, and is now coming to Philly!  This event spans technologies and platforms and will have a bunch of super-smart and super-cool folks from Philly and beyond, and is definitely worth checking it out.  For more info, read "What is BarCamp?Broken Link:"
  6. Tuesday, November 25th: Philly.NET Hands-On WorkshopBroken Link:, Ft. Washington, PA - I’ll be returning for another workshop, which will likely be a continuation of the last one I did, "Getting Started With Test Driven Development."  More details to come!