Big picture thoughts on software and other topics

May 4, 2009

Foundation Series, Session 3, Wed May 13th

by Brian Donahue

Our next installment in Philly ALT.NETBroken Link:'s Foundation Series is on Design Patterns.  My friend and fellow Philly ALT.NETter, Erik PetersonBroken Link:, will review some of the more common and useful design patterns, with a lot of inspiration drawn from the great book Head First Design PatternsBroken Link:  It will again be at DeVry University in Fort Washington and registrationBroken Link: is open now!

Foundation Series Workshop 3
Design Patterns
Erik PetersonBroken Link: of VertMarkets

Wednesday, May 13th at 6:00 PM
DeVry University - Room 141, Fort Washington, PA

We’ve talked about writing clean, readable code and keeping it maintainable by following the SOLID design principles.  Another big step in building your programming foundation is to start learning and recognizing software Design Patterns. The value of understanding design patterns is two-fold; In some cases we will find new ways to think about common problems we face in our application designs, in other cases, the patterns give us a common language to explain and discuss some of the designs we are already using.  Design patterns can help us reduce complexity in our applications by isolating logic that is subject to change and allowing future extensibility.

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