Big picture thoughts on software and other topics

June 1, 2009

Foundation Series, Session 4, Wed June 10th

by Brian Donahue

Our next installment in Philly ALT.NETBroken Link:'s Foundation Series is on Pragmatic Architecture.  Another friend and fellow Philly ALT.NETter, Robert Bunson, will review help us take what we’ve learned so far and piece it together into an application architecture.  It will again be at DeVry University in Fort Washington and registrationBroken Link: is open now!

Foundation Series Workshop 4
Pragmatic Architecture
Robert Bunson of Munich Re America

Wednesday, June 10th at 6:00 PM
DeVry University - Room 141, Fort Washington, PA

Food and beverages sponsored by G2 Interactive!

The Foundation Series, put together by Philly Alt.Net, seeks to present the fundamentals of software development.  For enterprise applications these fundamentals include the principles and practices of software architecture.  There is no best architecture, but there is an optimal architecture that fulfills the functional and non-functional requirements and addresses the forces and constraints on that architecture.  This session will discuss the process of creating and documenting a software architecture, and how that software architecture looks in code.

Register nowBroken Link:!