Big picture thoughts on software and other topics

May 20, 2008

F# and Functional Programming at Philly ALT.NET Wednesday Night!

by Brian Donahue

Just a quick post to get the word out that Matt PodwysockiBroken Link: will be leading the discussion at this month’s Philly ALT.NETBroken Link: meeting about Microsoft’s new .NET functional programming language, F#.  The meeting is on Drexel’s campus in the Rush Building, with food and meet & greet starting at 6:30pm, and Matt kicking the discussion off at 7pm.  We’re expecting a few of our friends from the local Philly LambdaBroken Link: group, too - should be a good time.

Details can be found on the wikiBroken Link:

P.S. I’ve got DevTeach and Philly Code Camp wrap-ups coming soon, if I can get enough focused time to finish them!