Big picture thoughts on software and other topics

July 9, 2008

Philly ALT.NET - Thursday July 17 - Building Maintainable Apps with WPF

by Brian Donahue

Next week's Philly ALT.NET meeting should be a good one, with our own Jon Graves talking about building maintainable apps with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).  He's going to touch on things like using the Model-View-Presenter pattern for TDD, Dependency Injection, and other patterns and practices he's found useful for building WPF applications. 

If you're interested in checking it out, send an email to rsvp [at] phillyalt [dot] net

Here are the details, which can also be found on our wiki at http://phillyalt.netBroken Link:

Building Maintainable Applications With Windows Presentation Foundation
Jon Graves
Thursday, July 17th, 2008
6:30 PM - 8:50 PM

Drexel University
Rush Building Room 014 (Basement Level)
30 N. 33rd St. (33rd and Cuthbert)
Philadelphia, PA 19104
6:30 PM - Greetings and Eatings
7:00 PM - Topic Discussion

Topic Abstract:
We will be exploring a simple desktop client application built using pure WPF that integrates XAML into the Model-View-Presenter pattern. Topics that may be touched on include: Databinding (way better than the crappy WInforms binding, trust me), IDataErrorInfo support, Dirty Checking integration, the Autofac DI framework, and the Caliburn WPF framework.

Jon Graves
Jon Graves is a Software Engineer who has been working with C# and .NET since before they were cool. Currently he is working at Neat Receipts, a document-management software company based in Philadelphia. He has a passion for designing and building stellar user experiences. When he's not coding, you can find him scuba diving, playing piano, or drinking beer. Usually not all at the same time though.