Big picture thoughts on software and other topics

June 2, 2009

Surprise Philly ALT.NET Meeting With Scott Bellware!

by Brian Donahue

Scott Bellware is in town holding two workshops, and has graciously offered to speak to the Philly ALT.NET group on Wednesday night at Indy Hall’s "Classic" location.  Scott is a dynamic speaker with a huge amount of knowledge in this area - you won’t want to miss it!

Register now (free)!  http://tddmvc.eventbrite.comBroken Link:

Test Driven Web Development with Model-View-Controller
(But maybe not ASP.NET MVC!)

Scott BellwareBroken Link:
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Indy Hall "Classic"
Second Floor
32 Strawberry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(mapBroken Link:

6:30 PM - Greetings and Eatings (Hopefully - need a food sponsor! Email me!)
7:00 PM - Scott Bellware - Test Driven Web Development

Register now (free)!  http://tddmvc.eventbrite.comBroken Link:

Scott has promised an end-to-end discussion of building web apps test-first.  Designing your app for "provability" using a context/specification, behavior-driven approach.  Learn from someone who has been doing TDD with MVC long before ASP.NET MVC, in both .NET and Ruby and Rails.

More about Scott: Link: